Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the end

I finally feel like myself again! Happy and playful and full of life! They don't call me the little ray of sunshine for nothing :)

So what do I feel so elated?

Well, I did it. I finally put in my two weeks notice! It went over swimmingly. I had no idea what sort of response I expected but everyone in my office is excited for my move to NYC. They think I am stupid for going without a job but I have to remember that their decision making depends heavily on a family and mine depends more or less solely on me! I have a lot more freedom to do what I want and time to figure out exactly what that is.

The boyfriend told me randomly this week that he is so excited I quit my job. I think he can already tell a difference in my day to day mood. I have to admit, all day Saturday, I just felt a sense of relief and relaxation. There is nothing like knowing you are putting a bad situation behind you.

I hope this sense of excitement and happiness stays with me along my transition to New York. I don't want to become one those jaded Manhattanites that you always hear about. Lucky for me, I have a bigger support group there than I started out with in DC.

Now that's done, on to step two. Finding a new job. Which, by the way, I have an interview this Friday. I am very optimistic about this opportunity and the job sounds absolutely ideal and the exact opposite of the job I just quit. Cross your fingers for me!

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